
Mail From Peter N Ata ,Awaiting For Your Respond!

Mail From Peter N Ata.

I am Mr. Peter N Ata, The regional manager of my bank, Takoradi branch, in western region of Ghana,My intention of writing you through email is because I believe it is very confidential. I feel quite safe and satisfy dealing with you in this Mutual Beneficial transaction. Though this medium (Internet) has been greatly abused, I choose to reach you through it because it Still remains the fastest, surest and most secured Medium of communication, I have a business transaction to share with you, for a while now some fund had been lying in my branch worth the sum of US$10,500,000.00, I need your assistance to enable the fund to be transferred to you in your country for investment purpose, if you are interested do get back to me for more details and to facilitate the process of the transfer of the fund. Expecting your urgent response, take care and have a nice day.
Kindest Regards,
Mr. Peter N Ata

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