Congratulations! The Executive Registry has selected you as a
potential candidate to be included in th
Registry of Distinguished Individuals.
[fname], we just need you to act now to complete a brief application
Simply visit here to apply.
On behalf of the The Executive Registry Candidate Review
Committee, we want to wish you continued success.
well, it is now 2012 and I just recieved this email in my personal email address. The wording is similar, with a little more detail and is for the year 2012. I am just a housewife and mother of three. My last job was working as a dietition in a nursing home. As soon as I clicked to open this email, my antivirus program sounded an alarm and then flashed on the screen that it had just blocked a serious virus. I hit delete.Anyway, I never give out personal info on the net and am relucntant to give it to those who actually need it.