
Your Payment code.ATM-USB-E03-9060A‏


Attn: Honorable Beneficiary,

This is to officially bring to your notice that The ATM card payment center has been mandated to issue out with your favor.$2.5MILLION United State Dollars as payment for this Fiscal year 2011 this instructions is from the custody of the United Nation representative office in Malaysia and the payment has been approved by World Bank. Please note that your new payment code number falls within our Asian representative's booklet in South East Asia Malaysia as indicated in your file number: We found your name in our list and that is why you are receiving this email Compensation Payment notification.

US Bank California Branch informed us the Federal Bureau of Investigation and International Monetary Funds Unit California, that they are through with the first (1st) quarter transfer to beneficiaries as instructed from their liaison branches oversea who authorized them to pay you in full as their corresponding reliable bank in US, and that they are ready to start the (2nd) quarter transfer to beneficiaries where your payment file belongs to now as verified by the California Branch director.

Since they are in the second quarter of fund released to beneficiaries, the bank states that the old payment code: to your inheritance contract funds has been changed and that the new payment code: to your contract funds will be (ATM-USB-E03-9060A), take note of the new payment code: (ATM-USB-E03-9060A) any e-mail you receive henceforth that does not have your payment code: (ATM-USB-E03-9060A) Should be disregarded immediately and forwarded to us for immediate investigation.

Warning: Note that you are advised not to disclose the said inheritance contract funds with anyone until your said funds has been fully released to you, and ensure that you contact the bank Director through their email and remember to include your payment code: (ATM-USB-E03-9060A).

Immediately you receive this e-mail from us. Any e-mail that you receive regarding any amount of funds without the payment code should be disregarded to avoid any complication in receiving your funds. Remember you will be paid $2.5Million United State Dollars.through ATM CARD Payment System immediately you contact National Australia Bank In Malaysia. with your full information.

Full Name:
Telephone No:
Identity Card if any

However outline below is the paying bank in Malaysia contact information contact them now for the immediate release of your payment to you since it has been approved by United Nations/World Bank meanwhile do not be taken unaware that all the necessary document backing the fund up has been forwarded to the custody of the paying National Australia Bank In Malaysia.

Contact: National Australia Bank In Malaysia.
Name:Mr,Thomas White.

Do let us know immediately you have contacted National Australia Bank In Malaysia. for your immediate payments please do not forget your payment code it is very important.

Yours faithfully,
Mrs Vip Jimmy
2011 Coordinator
United Nations Organization.

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