
Pedophile Alert for your area

You are receiving this email because we have detected Sex Offender activity in your area.
If you would like to know who they are, where they live, and how you can protect your family from sexual predators, please click here.
Note: the website you are about to access contains actual sex offender information. Please use extreme caution when utilizing this service.

Learning the truth about who lives near your family can be shocking and disturbing. By proceeding you agree to utilize Kids Live Safe solely for informational purposes and to protect your children and loved ones.
I Understand and Want to Proceed >>


  1. Interesting, I received 3 of these this week via my Gmail account, straight into the spam box. The irony is, we don't have any sex offenders living in our city. Hopefully, the link they provide in the email doesn't contain malware.

  2. I have received 3 of them as well and deleted them all

  3. I get like 4- 5 of these a day. They really don't go away and i just report them as a fishing scam when they come.

  4. I have "blocked" 4 of these emails so far. They keep coming back.....
