
It's a generally active weekend so...technically didn't catch the time to Email you these days

from: Irene Hall (

Hey there, =0AHas my packet been delivered? =0AOne more thing, below I foun=
d the TV hit I was looking after. =0A=0AKorgath was a Taloron infiltrator a=
gent for the Alliance to Restore the Republic.=0AKogath was a former member=
of the Taloron Hunters when he joined the Alliance, he became a member of =
the Scandium Team.=0AKorgath was considered the luckiest Scandium, because =
he survived many high-risk situations.=0ADuring the Wellte-ir Massacre, Kor=
gath was one of the six survivors of the Scandium Team. After that, the Sca=
ndium Team was dismantled, but Korgath's further activities are unknown.=0A=
=0A=0ACordially... =0AIrene Hall


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