Restriction Code (removed)

Dear Member,

An unauthorized account activity was recently detected on your account.
Your PayPal account is temporary limited because it has been has identified as a safety risk to our service and customers.

If, once we review your further information and we're confident that the use of your account does not present a safety risk to our service and customers, we'll be happy to reinstate full access to your account.

We need additional information from you within the next 7 days.
We have sent you an attachment which contains all the necessary steps in order to restore your account access.

1. Download the secure form attached to this email.
2. Follow the instructions and allow PayPal to gather all the necessary informations.
3. After we have gathered the necessary information, you will regain full access to your account.

Please include the email address associated with your PayPal account.

If the safety risk issue is not resolved, additional collection remedies may be used to bring this account current.



Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you
will not receive a response.

Note: the attachment is HTML coding, which could have ANYTHING in it. There is no reason to use HTML for a form, a pdf could be a form but could also have malicious code in it (thanks to adobe "improvements"). The only file extensions I will open from these losers is .txt formats, because they're kind of safe.